The Path Of Meditation that
Leads to Living ALOHA
Universal Truths That Lead to Living ALOHA.
We Are Being Offered a Higher Path
Hear the Experiences of People Taking the Course
Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop
Course Teacher & Curator
Things to Consider About the Course:
3 stages of learning • 6 levels of training • 65 classes total
Advance as far as you wish
Weekly access to the teacher live online in a group Q&A/discussion format
All the teachings, trainings, skills, and knowledge you need to fully live ALOHA
Level 1, Classes 1, 2, & 3 are FREE as a trial period - includes meditation instruction
Self-Assessment review following completion of each of the 6 levels of training
Other than the first three classes (free trial), each class requires completion before advancing
There is a 7-day waiting period before each next class unlocks: minimum time required to unpack the class topic(s)
All completed classes may be repeated as often as desired with no restrictions
Access the entire community of learners for further class topic discussions & interactions
Just Some of the Benefits of the Course:
Quickly find meditation is something you enjoy doing
Use mindfulness in your daily life and find peace is your reward
Free yourself from living on autopilot
Eliminate habitual patterns that no longer serve you or anyone else
Realize the past for what it really is to release long-held memories of trauma mentally & physically
Notice how others around you start to emulate the calm & peace you feel as a result of your practice
Incorporate simple daily mental practices that bring a fresh new experience of life
Notice how you no longer feel the need to be aggressive or defensive with others or situations
Short-circuit strong emotions in a truly healthy way before you lose yourself
Perceive fresh, new solutions to age-old problems at work and in your private life
Use a new, peaceful way of interacting with unconscious people
Recover your inherent human qualities of awareness, curiosity, and insight
Replace projecting with seeing others and situations for how they truly are
Develop into your own best friend
Have experiences that open you to profound realizations
Align anywhere at anytime with your authentic being: ALOHA
Now, to be thoroughly informed before enrolling, please watch these four short videos in this order:
I also describe everything that one needs to do to succeed in the course and experience the benefits in their daily lives.
Choose Your Plan:
One-Time Payment
The first three classes are free. Cancel anytime within the first 21 classes (before Level 3) to receive a refund. Simply send us an email to let us know you're cancelling. We'll calculate a refund based on the tuition amount you paid minus the number of weeks you've been enrolled (payment date to the date of your cancellation request email) multiplied by $12.
Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.
Monthly Plan
Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are also able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.
Weekly Plan
Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are also able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.
Mountain Lake Counseling
The weekly meetings and community shares, along with Kit’s guidance, are unparalleled. There is a better way to live and most pathways to that involve divesting from the conditioned mind. Join us!
I used to ponder if I could ever manage to meditate every day. And I mean seated meditation, not therapeutic yoga or savasana or activities that I find to be meditative. I am now practicing sitting meditation 47 minutes every day. That is not a brag. It is a personal/universal subscription to Aloha and an ongoing unsubscribe from the conditioned thinking mind. Buh-bye drama. Hello ALOHA!"
Trauma-INFORMED Practitioner
Environmental Engineer
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
But, by steadfastly sticking with it, showing up week after week, and practicing every day, slowly but surely, I notice that it’s true what I’ve heard over the years, something that doesn’t seem possible until it is happening – my mind is trainable. And once trained, it’s no longer the ringleader of my life. And that’s good. So good.
Kit’s offerings are gold. He has curated these teachings into a beautiful path offered with wisdom, compassion, and guidance. If you commit and practice, your life will change for the better—in every aspect."
Author of the book: G.O.D.
And now that I am taking the course a second time, it doesn’t seem like I’m repeating it; the material is completely fresh with new perspectives. It feels more like a continuation of the course rather than a re-do. I am in awe.”
Retired Mechanical Engineer
While I’m not at all suggesting that I’m perfect, because I’m still human, this course has allowed me to view people in a more compassionate manner. I used to stay in my thoughts more but now as I find I’m happier, I go about my day looking to see if others seem ok or if they seem to need a kind word, a smile, etc. There’s nothing like being shown a small kindness on a day we really needed it, right? I’m also more comfortable communicating with people because I’m coming more from a place of love, so even difficult conversations seem easier. I’m not cluttering my mind with what I think the other person’s motives are as we’re speaking, I’m simply wanting the best for everyone, speaking my truth, opening my heart and listening to them. Again — this is not 100% of my interactions, but a significantly higher amount than I had in my life before taking this course. The benefits are far ranging and as long as I continue to do the work and grow, these will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Who wouldn’t want this gift?”
Emergency Room Nurse
Retired Teacher
Through weekly courses that utilize teachings and teachers from many paths, students are gifted with many ideas to expand their own spiritual development with immediate practical implications in daily life. Taking time each week in this course is a gift to myself and all who I come across in my life, as well as the larger consciousness of our world.
This course offers a balm to a sometimes weary soul with loving guidance that does not require belief in any dogma or actions. While it is clear for me that the wisdom traditions shared all weave a beautiful tapestry of universal truths, what matters most is that I can be a better human with more mindfulness and aloha.
The weekly lessons are given with humor and aloha, and are always personal and engaging, and others in the class share in their own journeys that creates a beautiful community. I highly recommend everyone to take the time to develop this area in a way like Kit offers.
Director, The Outdoor Circle
I can't recommend this course enough. It will change you for the better. No question. You will also meet people that you'll connect with and can share the experience.
After graduating the course, and having a break, then coming back, my experience has increased so much more. I've seen my anxiety reduce, my happiness increase, my peace of mind is now something I protect fiercely. I understand a lot of the chatter in my head was so unnecessary, but I was afraid at first to let it go.
What happens when your mind is quiet? That's so foreign to us these days when we often have a podcast on, replying to a text and cooking dinner at the same time. However, what I've found is that when the mind quietens, you find yourself and can enjoy and appreciate everything around you so much more.
I have more compassion towards others as I go about my day. I feel more of a connection to Spirit and nature and see the synchronicities that help me to understand I'm not alone. I've gone through some pretty heavy things like loss of job and loss of relationships and this course has really helped me to keep things in perspective and see the meaning behind these events.
Biology Research Scientist
First of all, I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate in the series of spiritual teachings that make up this course. Having completed the course once, I decided to sit through it again - this added up to more than 2 years of weekly meetings and spiritual growth.
Let me tell you how this journey has benefited me. I grew up in a traditional Catholic family, but from early on, I decide to embrace only the elements of love, not fear, that were taught to me. Religion that speaks of punishment never sat right with me! I continued my life speaking of myself as Catholic but more from a spiritual point of view.
In my late 50’s, I started reading books and listening to video clips by Eckhart Tolle. That vision of spiritually spoke closer to my heart. 2½ years ago, at the request of my wife, we decided to join your series of spiritual talks about Aloha. All I knew at the moment was that we would be learning about meditation; a practice I was never really able to do or understand. These 2½ years with you and the rest of the participants, our Sangha, has taken me through a spiritual journey I would have not been able to walk just by myself.
Going through the different levels and their associated meditation forms gave the language and the springboard to grow spiritually in directions I didn’t think possible. Your Buddhist teachings about Samsara, the middle path, the four noble truths, the Skandhas, the noble eight fold path, etc. have become part of my daily way of living life.
One very important component of the course was the videos that you presented to us. They opened up a world of teachers that helped me see more of the spiritual path I was seeking. Thank you in particular for introducing Mooji and Rupert Spira. I spend a lot of my free time listening to audio clips or watching videos of these enlightened people. Rupert Spirra in particular has given me the practices and understanding relating to non-dualism. This particular form of spiritual practice, where there is no attachment to any established religious tradition really makes sense to me, and it is where I have chosen to spend my spiritual time.
Once again, I thank you profusely, for your dedication and your generosity, Kit, and will forever be in debt to you!
Assistant Professor, IT
New Jersey
Showing ALOHA to family & friends seemed natural to me having been born & raised on Oʻahu and learning about ALOHA. However, living ALOHA was something deeper that I felt I needed to learn.
On January 19, 2023, I started this course developed by Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop. The 66 weekly group sessions with Buddhist teachings from Kit in addition to other teachings from Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti & many others along with the group discussions with participants in my cohort from all over the world have been remarkable.
It’s difficult to explain in words how the course has changed my daily life. I can say it includes having increased moments of peace, kindness, harmony and compassion with myself and others. And my self confidence has improved tremendously.
I hope you can find whatever it takes within you to step onto the path back to who you really are that this course presents. Youʻre worth it. We all are.
M.Ed Psychology
Several years ago I was attracted to this meditation course with a little trepidation. But there was more of an excited anticipation of what it could be to “live ALOHA” as a 70+ year-old retired widow with life-long experience in Hawaiʻi.
Looking back I see - and more importantly feel - a subtle but profound shift in many areas of my life:
- More confident in who I am
- More caring & compassion for my Self-in-development
- More compassion & patience for others in their own process and struggles through life
- Much more open to new connections that feel like friendships with potential for deeper relationship, or deep relationships that feel like friendship
- Cherish the connectedness of us all and all creation
- Expanded joy and enjoyment of life
- More aware of various feelings, reactions, emotions within self
- More sensing and visceral experience of levels and layers of love
- More conscious of the solidity of ALOHA even when I cannot describe it
“Meditation Living ALOHA” or “ALOHA Living Meditation” feels imbedded within me.
I am so grateful and thank Kit for developing and delivering a wonderful way to learn how to live and Be.
Retired Administrator
This is a secular course that leads one to live with an awakened mind (living ALOHA) through the vehicle of mindfulness-awareness meditation. I highly encourage checking out this amazing program.
It’s difficult to put into words how life-changing it has been for me. Each week in class, we deal with different philosophical or self-awareness subjects then discuss each topic among our like-minded circle.
I am learning how to eliminate my suffering. You can, too, if you apply yourself – everyone can. Imagine moving through this world without experiencing struggle or anxiety or depression or emotional reactivity or suffering. This does not happen overnight, of course, but at some point all of a sudden, if you are doing the work, you will notice that you are living your life free of those experiences.
What’s Left? Peace, compassion, love, and wisdom. Then you can go about your normal everyday tasks grounded in those experiences – instead of struggle, anxiety, depression or emotional reactivity – and still access the conceptual/ego mind (your thinking mind) when needed.
For me, this course has been a golden nugget. Learning to live my life with compassion and love enables me to live in balance & peace. That brings me into a space of alignment with my True Nature: ALOHA (Consciousness). Join me in this journey. Together, we can make the world a better place – simply by living our lives from ALOHA.
Project Coordinator
When I first started Kit’s course, all I was looking for was a meditation class. I thought I had already reached whatever pinnacle life had in store for me in the way of the Metaphysics. I was reading tarot cards occasionally and simply wanted to have more spiritually, meaningful conversations, with like-minded people.
I had no idea that the course I would take with Kit, would address much deeper meaningful aspects of my life. I did what Kit asked, I did “The Work”! I meditated everyday and every Friday, in class, I listened carefully, seeing if the teachings aligned with my experiences.
I was looking for a peaceful antidote to the 3:00 AM witching hour, as I like to call it, whereby one stares at the ceiling with every thought, deed and misdeed ever done. What I found was not what I was expecting. Six months into the course I found myself lovingly reaching out to my sister whom I had not spoken to in 15 years. And during Level 5 I finally understood the meaning of being awake. My consciousness blew wide open and I finally felt at
peace and no longer felt the urge to seek anything or anywhere else, I was content.
I owe much to Kit for putting together this course and will always call him my teacher.
A Sampling of Class Topics
ALOHA Talk; Level 1 Meditation Instruction
Level 1, Class 2 - Free
The Itch; Review Level 1 Meditation Instruction
Level 1, Class 3 - Free
Obstacles to Meditation and Their Antidotes
Level 1, Class 4
Appreciation & Joy
Level 1, Class 5
Friendliness to Oneself; Touch & Go
Level 1, Class 6
The Middle Way; Joy of Discipline; Contemplation Instruction
Level 1, Class 7
The Four Noble Truths; The Noble Eightfold Path
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness; Meditation in Action; Mindful Living
Level 1, Class 9
Mindfulness, Concentration, & Insight in Daily Life
Level 1, Class 10
Sitting in Times Square; Frenchie’s Silent Retreat
Level 1, Class 11
Level 1 Review
Level 2, Class 1
The Cocoon; Touch & Go; Level 2 Meditation Instruction
Level 2, Class 2
The Six Sense Organs & Their Function; Review Level 2 Meditation Instruction
Level 2, Class 3
The Five Skandhas: Why We Think the Way We Think
The Five Skandhas: The Doorway to Love & Compassion
Level 2, Class 5
What Are Thoughts and Where Do They Reside?
Level 2, Class 6
Fearlessness; Dealing with Emotional Reactivity
Level 2, Class 7
Dealing with Unconscious People; Emotional guidance system; Doubtlessness
Level 2, Class 8
Renouncing Life on Autopilot; Living Authentically
Level 2, Class 9
Why Does Consciousness Allow Violence?
Level 2, Class 10
The Invitation
Level 2, Class 11
Level 2 Review
Choose Your Plan:
One-Time Payment
Monthly Plan
Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are also able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.
Weekly Plan
Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are also able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.