About Hoʻi ka Hā
"Breathing Life Back Into"

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Hoʻi ka Hā is a contemporary school of ancient knowledge and a fiscally managed program of  Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID 94-3257650).

Arising in 2019, Hoʻi ka Hā – the heart-child of Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop – is a contemporary school of ancient knowledge for mature seekers that serves as a beacon of Truth in this world. ALOHA is the natural state of Being. All that Hoʻi ka Hā offers is in service to those who deeply aspire for liberation from the grip of ego identity to live, once again, as their true nature: ALOHA.


Our mission is to employ Universal Truths and Ancient Wisdom Traditions to foster personal/professional transformation in people toward living ALOHA (embodying empathy, compassion, wisdom, and mindfulness).

We believe that, at this time in history, the planet needs real leaders – leaders who live ALOHA: Who possess an optimistic outlook, forge meaningful connections with others, have a clear understanding of their purpose and values, and possess the conviction that they can bring about positive change in their lives, communities, cities, states, country, and the world.

The more we live ALOHA, the more we experience peace & harmony. The more we experience peace & harmony, the more we treat ourselves with kindness & compassion. The more we treat ourselves with kindness & compassion, the more we treat others and the planet with kindness & compassion. This forms the basis of working together cooperatively – free of ego – on any issue that is for the highest good of all sentient beings and the planet.


“The world turns to Hawaiʻi as they search for peace because Hawaiʻi has the key; and that key is ALOHA.” ~ Aunty Pilahi Pakī

In order to maintain a safe refuge for meditative practice and contemplative experience, we join together in living by a code of ethics during our time at any program produced by Hoʻi ka Hā.

This code of ethics applies to all teachers, presenters, program staff, service and location providers, retreat participants, guests, residents, and volunteers.

Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop
Course Presenter & Curator

Kit is a lay-monastic practitioner of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism; a keen Meditation Guidance Counselor; and a recognized teacher of World Religions, Indigenous Wisdom Traditions, and Buddhist Philosophy & Psychology.

Over the past 50 years, he has delved into, investigated, researched, studied, and was often initiated into many of the world’s belief systems, including: Catholicism; Born Again Christianity; Hawaiian Spirituality & Hoʻoponopono; the mystic beliefs of Christianity & Judaism; the magic philosophy of Aleister Crowley; the philosophies of Hermes, Rudolf Steiner, and Edgar Casey; the Koran; Hinduism; the Shamanic practices of the Ainu (Japan), Diné (Navajo), Siksikáwa (Blackfoot), and Afro-Caribbean Santaria; Metaphysics; New Age Spiritualism; Wicca; Quantum Physics; Taoism; Sufism; Non-Dualism; Tibetan Buddhism, and Shambhala Buddhism.

Equipped with all of his knowledge and experience, Kit now brings meditation as a path to reconnect with and live ALOHA, our True Nature. Find more about Kit by clicking here.

Meet the Support Team

#awesome | #supported my mental health | #the best | #felt heard & seen | #opened my heart & mind | #expert coaching

Kilohana Silve


Kumu Hula (Hula Master) Kilohana Silve offers Hula for Health. Scientists now report that hula restores and creates health from a multi-level approach involving physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Participants agree and report improvement in mental & social wellbeing, improvement of blood pressure & overall cardiac health, and now researchers are looking at how hula addresses Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Kilohana’s classes are gentle, fun, and engaging. Contact Kilohana directly with your interest: kilohananui@yahoo.com.

Bibiana Potter


Bibiana helps individuals recognize their trauma reactions within the body and gradually complete self protective responses by connecting with their own inner resources. Somatic Experiencing is a gentle approach that encourages the physical body and the mind to have positive experiences and integrate them as long-lasting memories. Visit her website for more information: https://bibianapotter.com

Tracy Lawrence


Tracy was the CEO of her own company in the San Francisco Bay Area and has walked her own healing path through depression, burn out, and physical illness. She now helps people who suffer with depression, life transitions, & mental health issues and seek calm, clarity, & self-love with the support of plant medicine and somatic work. Email Tracy here: tracy@goloveengine.com.

Mariko Schmidtauer


Mariko holds a safe space to explore old beliefs and feelings while gently inquiring into what blocks us from empowering our authentic selves. Constellations offer a deeply focused awareness process for self reflection which helps us better understand and transform how we become stuck in inherited disruptive life patterns that repeat themselves. Through Compassionate Inquiry, an individual can recognize the unconscious dynamics that have run their lives and learn how to liberate themselves from them. Contact Mariko here: 808-265-9995.

Leigh Aschoff


Leigh honors, with you, the creative path your wisdom reveals. Leigh’s intention in the healing sessions is to compassionately invite you into an active returning to your heart, body, wisdom and wholeness. Leigh’s experiential trainings and certifications in Compassionate Inquiry, Transpersonal Energy Healing, Intuitive Healing, Akashic Records, Therapeutic/Hatha Yoga are all present in the healing and growth you will be invited to when you work with her. Leigh sees heart body connection as a compassionate pathway to Awakened Heart Body Essence. To find out more and to apply for a complimentary conversation, visit Leigh's website: https://leighaschoff.com

Amy Glin


Amy is a compassionate, reverent and irreverent transformation coach dedicated to helping you get the most out of your life. What does that mean? It’s different for everyone. Getting the most out of life could mean: Asking for help when you need it; Recognizing and saying how you feel; Trusting your intuition; Slowing down; Managing your anxiety; Taming your Inner critic; Identifying when a false perception is coloring your beliefs; Dismantling firmly established patterns; Operating from this moment instead of from past hurts. Amy offers a 20-minute gratis introductory session so you both can see if you’re a fit. She can be reached at ag@amyglin.com or visit her website https://www.amyglin.com

Rev. Shelley Coons, BMSc


Rev. Coons is an ordained Metaphysical minister and carries a Bachelor of Metaphysical Sciences degree from the University of Sedona. Through her Tarot therapy sessions over the past 25 years, she has helped countless clients overcome indecisiveness & needless suffering; thereby, helping them achieve peace of mind. Using the Tarot and her uncanny ability to connect with her Guides, she will channel clarity around what lays before you so you can map out the best path for your highest good. Rev. Coons also performs Couples Therapy readings and Pet Therapy sessions. For more information or to contact her, visit her website: https://www.capstonemetaphysicalcenter.com.