strengthen the  mindfulness, awareness, & presence needed to
live consciously in an unconscious world.

The Path Of Meditation that Leads to Living ALOHA




Live Q&A or


Go As Far
As Feels Good


Community Interactions

One-Time Payment

$818  $525
You may advance through the entire course at will within the guidelines of the course (see Things to Consider About the Course above). 

The first three classes are free. Cancel anytime within the first 21 classes (before Level 3) to receive a refund. Simply send us an email to let us know you're cancelling. We'll calculate a refund based on the tuition amount you paid minus the number of weeks you've been enrolled (payment date to the date of your cancellation request email) multiplied by $12.

Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.

Monthly Plan

This is a pay as you go plan: $41/mo. for 15 months. The first three classes are free. You may advance through the entire course as long as your monthly payments are current. You may cancel your monthly payments at any time. Participation will end as a result. There are no refunds for monthly payments.

Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are also able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.

Weekly Plan

This is a pay as you go plan: $11/wk. for 64 weeks. The first three classes are free. You may advance through the entire course as long as your weekly payments are current. You may cancel your weekly payments at any time. Participation will end as a result. There are no refunds for weekly payments.

Stay inspired and connected with access to Kit weekly via online group Q&A sessions. You are also able to engage with the entire community of learners for deeper discussions and sharing.

Course Guidelines

The first three classes of the course are free. Keep in mind the value of the teachings you are receiving during that time and throughout the entire course. Is what you are receiving making a difference in your life?

The course is priced low so most people can afford to take it. Kit feels that it is more important that people get the skills for optimal mental wellbeing more than the course making a ton of money.

All moneys that come in through this on-demand school site are used to pay for the operation systems that keep the school open and available. It also pays for one part-time marketing contractor who spreads the word about the course and school far and wide. The teacher, Kit, does not receive any income or salary from the monies collected from this site.

Because Kit does not receive payment, it is traditional to offer Makana ALOHA when you feel moved to do so; especially if you log on for the live online Q & A gatherings. Makana ALOHA is meant as an expression of your heartfelt appreciation for the teacher and the teachings you are receiving. Scroll to the bottom of this page to learn how to offer Makana ALOHA to Kit.

When you're ready to enroll beyond the first three free classes, click on "Enroll" which can be found under the drop-down menu tab called "Start" above.

Each class will last about one hour and typically consist of sitting in meditation and listening to a talk by Kit. Devices and multitasking are highly discouraged during the time you are going through a class as they can tempt one into distraction.

If you have questions about the topics presented in the talks or wish to share something, you may do so in a group format live online with Kit via the twice weekly Q&A Zoom gatherings (mentioned above). You can find the days & times this is available by clicking on "Events Calendar" under the drop-down menu tab called "Community" above. The Zoom link & passcode as well as the guidelines for participating can be found in each week's Practice Instruction & Support Materials PDF which appears following the recorded talk. You can also find them on the "Student Wellbeing" page which can be found under the drop-down menu tab called "Support" above.

Speaking of support, on the same page just mentioned, you will find a number of recommended professionals who offer support using different methodologies. Their services are offered independent of this course so please reach out directly to them for more information.

It is highly recommended that you connect with others going through the course on the school community pages for sharing of experiences and ideas. To do this, click on "Interact" under the drop-down menu tab called "Community" above.

Following each formal class, there will be light reading or a video to watch and practice recommendations during the week between classes to help bring a deeper understanding of and experience to the topics presented in Kit's talks.

There are five meditation techniques that will be offered throughout the course. Please meditate using the meditation technique taught for the Level you're in. The material taught in each level may not make sense without using the corresponding meditation technique.

It is assumed, by your presence in the course, that you are serious about experiencing a positive life change. Intellectualizing the teachings alone will not get you there. You must participate by practicing what is learned as it is experience that will bring you to realization. Intellectual debate is not experience. Therefore, one must muster the dedication and self-discipline needed to practice what is learned throughout the course to gain the experiences that will lead to the greatest life advances. You are worth it!

Meditation is not a substitute for doctor-prescribed medication. If you are taking doctor-prescribed medication(s), signing up on this site and/or enrolling in the course is your acknowledgment of that statement. It also constitutes your promise to continue taking your doctor-prescribed medications as directed by your physician throughout the entire time you are accessing this on-demand course.

How to Offer Makana ALOHA to Kit

It is traditional to offer Makana ALOHA (heart gifts) to the teacher. Makana ALOHA is meant as an expression of your heartfelt appreciation for the teacher and the teachings you are receiving. 

Click here to learn about the benefits of being generous.

Makana ALOHA can be in the form of anything that reflects your heart: coffee together; fresh or cooked food (fruits or veges from your garden or a special dish or treat you enjoy making); a note about a realization you had; a creative form (a poem, a short story, doodles, a painting, a photo, etc.); your help around the hālau (school); dharma texts on Kit’s Amazon Wish List; gift cards; or money.

Monetary forms of generosity can be made by tax-deductible donation or via Venmo (@kanohoaloha) or PayPal (

Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop
Course Teacher & Curator

Kit is a lay-monastic practitioner of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism; a keen Meditation Guidance Counselor; and a recognized teacher of World Religions, Indigenous Wisdom Traditions, and Buddhist Philosophy & Psychology.

Over the past 50 years, he has delved into, investigated, researched, studied, and was often initiated into many of the world’s belief systems, including: Catholicism; Born Again Christianity; Hawaiian spirituality & Hoʻoponopono; the mystic beliefs of Christianity & Judaism; the magic philosophy of Aleister Crowley; the philosophies of Hermes, Rudolf Steiner, and Edgar Casey; the Koran; Hinduism; the shaman practices of the Ainu (Japan), Diné (Navajo), Siksikáwa (Blackfoot), and Afro-Caribbean Santaria; Metaphysics; New Age spiritualism; Wicca; Quantum Physics; Taoism; Sufism; Non-Dualism; Tibetan Buddhism, and Shambhala Buddhism.

Equipped with all of his knowledge and experience, Kit now brings meditation as a path to reconnect with and live ALOHA, our True Nature. Click here for more on Kit.